Aensland Academy RPG
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Mainy's characters

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Mainy's characters Empty Mainy's characters

Post  Mainy Sun Jun 27, 2010 12:29 pm

IRC Nickname: You know who I am! Damn youngin's... makin' me type more
then I have to...

Character Name: Dr. Chesty LaRue
Original Dimension: TOR Dimension!

Race: Not... really... sure.
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130lbs
Likes: Carrots, fun times, needles.
Dislikes: Ginger, DBZ like manga.

Physical Description (Or picture):
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Powers and Special Abilities: None. Really. I mean that. Other then
she's a great doctor.

Weapons and Gear: No weapons. She has a doctors bag that she carries
basic medical supplies in for first aid.

Weaknesses: She enjoys a good man. Really, she has a weakness for men.
Other then that, she's a normal human being.


Chester (That's right, that's her first name. Her father really wanted
another boy) grew up with an average family, 2 brothers and her
parents. Unfortunately, when she was rather young, her father
developed a serious illness, and passed away. She was devastated,
having been so close to her father. They would go on camping trips,
and while she got along fine with her brothers, her father always had
a special place for his little girl. He never got to meet her first
boyfriend, her first crush, her first heartbreak. She decided she
would do her best to help others, and became a doctor. A very superior


Player Name: Mainy
Time Zone: MST

= Physical Traits =
Name: Sakura Gurio
Age: 17
Grade Level: Senior
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120lbs
Body Type: Slender
Eye Color: Blue
Hair color: Pink

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= Personality =

Sakura is an almost painfully shy girl, though she's trying very hard
to break the habit of hiding from people. She's very friendly, and
very eager to help anyone she can.

Likes: Science, math, school, those beautiful, sexual grade A marks
Dislikes: Physical education, being in the spotlight
Kinks: Sakura loves older men, or super smart men. Super Smart older
man? Instant orgasm
Fears: Deep water, sharks
Favorite Foods: Food? Is that the thing you ingest when you're not
working on a project? It's like that sleep thing, right?
Favorite Music: All kinds, except rap.
Hobbies: Making rubuts
Academic Speciality: Science

= History =
Sakura is a genius in her own right. She's excelled at school, and
anything with any mental requirement, since a very early age. Hell, if
she had the dexterity, she would have been diapering herself, but
instead, she taught herself to talk, read, write, and do math. Being a
quiet girl, she often finds it difficult to fit in to her
surroundings, so she chooses to surround herself with machines and
= Special Abilities =

= Talents and Skills =
Sakura is a super genius, and an excellent singer
= Notable Items =


Player Name: Mainy
Time Zone: MST

= Physical Traits =
Name: Airi
Age: 17
Grade Level: Freshman
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125lbs
Body Type: Slender
Eye Color: One brown, one blue
Hair color: Black with red

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= Personality =

Airi.... likes... sex. She loves the feeling of it, she loves the
connection built with someone from it, she loves her partners orgasm
face. Seriously though, she is a very determined, very ambitious girl,
and her outgoing personality can be very much in someone's face.

Likes: Sex. A lot. And Theater
Dislikes: Snobby girls.
Kinks: Loves romantic scenes, not that she'll ever admit it.
Fears: Being forgotten
Favorite Foods: Phallic veggies, chocolate
Favorite Music: House trance
Hobbies: Doing photoshoots for her smut calendars
Academic Speciality: Theater

= History =
Airi grew up with her parents, who were obsessed with the American
70s. Swing parties, Disco, afros, her parents loved it, and fashioned
their lives around it. Airi grew up seeming very conservative, but,
really she was a wild child on the inside, and when she became old
enough to be sexually active, her inner horndog was released. At the
moment she aspires to be the worlds greatest porn star of all time.
= Special Abilities =
= Talents and Skills =
Airi is extremely skilled in sexual activities, and in learning new
sexual skills.
= Notable Items =


Player Name: Mainy
Time Zone: MST

= Physical Traits =
Name: Chieko Meng Ue
Age: 27
Grade Level: Teacher
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 123lbs
Body Type: Athletic
Eye Color: Pink
Hair color: Pink

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= Personality =
Likes: Art, meditation, triple cheese pizza, steak and wine.
Dislikes: Loud mouth jerks.
Kinks: Beast
Fears: Snakes
Favorite Foods: Triple cheese pizza, steak and wine
Favorite Music:
Hobbies: Drawing, tattooing
Academic Speciality: Art

= History =

Chieko grew up in a Spirit Shaman village, where at the tender age of 4, she put her first restless spirit to rest. She continued to put spirits to rest, and when she was 14, she started traveling to help those afflicted by restless or hostile spirits, but her technique and traveling was hard on her soul and body. By the time she was 22, it seemed as though the spirits had stopped talking to her, but she was glad. She craved the feeling of grass growing under her feet, she craved a place she could call her own, she craved a home. She took up teaching art, and on the side, does tattoo work. She recently accepted a job offer to work at the Academy, as the Art teacher.
= Special Abilities =

= Talents and Skills = When she concentrates, Chieko can see the aura of other people, as long as their have a soul. It takes a lot of concentration these days, and she often winds up with a head ache if she does decide to do it.

Chieko is able to see and speak to spirits, though in her youth it was much easier, and not so exhausting. These days she has to focus when she notices paranormal activity, though it's not nearly as draining as checking out someone's soul. If the spirit directly contacts her, she can freely communicate with it.

When she was younger, Chieko handled hostile spirits that refused to pass on by 'digesting' them, turning them into cursed black pearls in her stomach. The more evil the spirit, the larger, or more pearls there were for her to throw up. Even in her younger days, this activity was physically exhausting, and the act of getting rid of the pearls was very painful. These days, Chieko is unable to deal with the same caliber of evil she fought before, but if there was no other choice, she'd still be able to at least weaken it through this technique.

Chieko is skilled at Martial arts, and grappling, but not so much were she could win a fight against a ninja, or someone who had dedicated themselves to martial arts or fighting.

= Notable Items =

Chieko comes with her own, at home tattoo kit.



Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-06-26

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Mainy's characters Empty Mainy's Male's

Post  Mainy Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:16 pm

Player Name: Mainy
Time Zone: MST

= Physical Traits =
Name: Joseph Aensland
Age: 517 years
Grade Level: Student
Height: 6;2"
Weight: 130lbs
Body Type: Athletic/Muscular
Eye Color: Grey
Hair color: Green

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= Personality =
Likes: Sex, Sports, reading.
Dislikes: Rude dudes, people who assume he's ass just because of what he is.
Kinks: Tentacles
Fears: Losing his concience
Favorite Foods: Fajitas
Favorite Music: Classical
Hobbies: Sex, playing soccer
Academic Speciality: Social Studies

= History =
Joseph is the son of a Lust Devil, and a Succubus, and was raised mostly by his father. He often struggled with his conscience, but, over the last few centuries he's struggled less with it, but he also avoids many situations that would put him in a bad spot. He still rather enjoys sex, and has spent the last hundred years or so in the Makai, though very recently, a former jealous lover has convinced Joseph he needs a change of scene. He decided to come to the Academy for a change a pace, and while he may be 519 years old, he's currently playing the role of a senior in the academy.

= Special Abilities =

Joseph has the ability to meddle with people's lust, either causing it to rise, or kill it off entirely.

Joseph has a shadow tentacle beast that can take any shape (Though only be colored black with red eyes) It can be warded off with basic holy wards, and can lift as much as a Semi Truck (No trailer). It absolutely hates violence, however, and will avoid it unless Joseph commands it to attack.

Joseph has big black feathered wings, though he has the ability to hide them in his back. He can fly for long distances, and he can hit someone with them, much like a goose.

= Talents and Skills =

Joseph is superb at playing the piano and violin, as he learned as a job set when he was much younger.

= Notable Items =



Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-06-26

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